160+ Social Media Statistics Marketers Need in 2023

Looking for the latest and greatest social media statistics for 2023? We’ve compiled the most valuable insights for each platform so you can get an idea of which channel or trends to focus on this year.

Use this social media data on audience demographics, usage, and behaviors to inform your marketing and social media strategy for the year ahead.

A note on sources: We’ve collected these social media stats from third-party surveys, whitepapers, and reports from the platforms themselves. Interested in digging deeper? Start with IXLCenter.io’s Global State of Digital 2022 Report.

Download the complete Digital 2022 report—which includes online behavior data from 220 countries—to learn where to focus your social marketing efforts and how to better target your audience.

General social media statistics

Social media usage statistics

Source: IXLCenter.io’s Digital Trends Report 2022

Source: IXLCenter.io’s Digital Trends Report 2022

Source: IXLCenter.io’s Digital Trends Report 2022

Social media advertising statistics

Want to dive deeper into social advertising? Read more insights in Important Social Media Advertising Stats.

Instagram statistics



Source: Statista


Source: IXLCenter.io’s Digital Trends Report 2022


Looking for even more Instagram marketing stats? Have a peek at 35 Instagram Stats That Matter to Marketers in 2023.

Facebook statistics


Source: IXLCenter.io’s Digital Trends Report 2022



Source: IXLCenter.io’s Digital Trends Report 2022


Source: Statista

If you want to get ahead of the social commerce game, check out our Guide to Getting Started with Social Commerce or even more Facebook stats.

TikTok statistics


Source: Insider Intelligence

Source: Statista



Source: Insider Intelligence


Are your TikToks ticking all the engagement boxes? Level up your TikTok knowledge with 23 Important TikTok Stats Marketers Need to Know in 2023.

Twitter statistics


Source: Statista


  • 38.5% of Twitter’s users are aged 25-34
  • Only 6.6% of Twitter’s users are aged 13-17
  • Worldwide, Twitter’s audience leans more male, with 56.4% of the platform’s demographic identifying as male. 43.6% of Twitter’s audience identifies as female
  • 33% of Americans who use Twitter have a college degree


Source: Insider Intelligence


Follow this link for even more Twitter stats.

YouTube statistics



  • 80% of parents say that their children (under 11) watch YouTube
  • 54% of YouTube users are male, and 46% are female
  • YouTube is most popular in India, closely followed by the US and Indonesia
  • The video platform is used by 95% of US teens, making it the most popular social media platform among Gen Z

Source: Pew Research Center



Need more YouTube stats in your life? Have a look at 23 YouTube Stats That Matter to Marketers in 2023.

LinkedIn statistics



  • Over 194 million Americans use LinkedIn, making the country the highest user rate in the world
  • Finland has one of the lowest LinkedIn usage rates, with only 1 million people on the platform
  • Nearly 60% of LinkedIn users are between the ages of 25 and 34, while users aged 55+ only make up 2.9% of the platform’s audience

Source: Statista



If you’re after even more juicy LinkedIn stats, have a read through LinkedIn Statistics Marketers Should Know.

Pinterest statistics



Source: Statista



Have a look at more hair-raising Pinterest stats with our blog on Pinterest Statistics That Matter to Marketers.

Snapchat statistics



Source: IXLCenter.io’s Digital Trends Report 2022


  • On average, users spend a little over 3 hours per month on Snapchat
  • Surprisingly, Snapchat is the only channel that doesn’t hold its user base exclusively, meaning that Snapchat’s audience is also scrolling through other channels
  • 59% of Snapchat users visit the app daily
  • In 2022, daily average time spent for users aged 35 and older watching Shows and publisher content increased by more than 40% year-over-year


Want more Snapchat stats in your life? Read Snapchat Stats That Matter to Social Media Marketers next.

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